I returned back to work today after a two-week vacation. For someone who should be experiencing "post-vacation withdrawal syndrome", I actually showed up perky and pepped up for my 5AM - 2PM shift, even after getting only four hours of sleep.
This should have been posted on this blog last night but wasn't because of my unreliable Internet connection (I am looking at you, SmartBRO prepaid stick) so I wrote on my new journal instead.
I should be sad because I would really like for my vacation to be extended. I should be annoyed because I wasn't able to go to my apartment today to clean it as planned. I should be worried because I still haven't finished the article I should have already submitted by now.
But as it is, I just feel very glad and grateful.
My two week-vacation has been filled with so many new memories with my friends and family, and right now, listening to my media player with The Script playlist on loop, I feel unbelievably happy. I just want to remember this moment forever. ♥
And you know what, my worries about my apartment has been solved, thanks to my Mom. And the article I was worrying about since last week? Finished, submitted and approved.
God has bestowed so many blessings on me this month, and I want to share my joys with you. Aside from having awesome friends here and from all over the world who made me really special on my birthday, a super fun beach weekend, attending posh events, accidental (this, I haven't blogged about yet) and planned get-togethers with friends, and seeing Bruno Mars and The Script in concert, more wonderful things have happened. For one, I have gotten a pay raise (yay!) and will be receiving quite a hefty bonus at the end of April, thanks to my performance for the month of March (which also makes me a very strong contender for being my department's Employee of the Month yay!).My tranchemates and I will also celebrate our 4th year with the company on Saturday (April 23) so we will have a little Pizza Party on Monday. More than the "financial perks" though, as I said before, I am thankful that my job allows me to pursue my passion in writing. The happiest piece of news I have is that, my writing style has been noticed by a Singaporean online magazine who has invited me to be a contributor. You may think I'm over-reacting but I was so happy I cried when I first read the email. Some of the press releases I have written with my classmates in college before have been published when we did our OJT for a PR firm, but those didn't have by-lines. But now, to have my very own by-line on another website aside from my blog? That's just WOW!
I'm sorry if this is a very wordy post, I just feel so thankful ♥ To share some blessings and happiness, I am sponsoring A Krissyfied Giveaway. Click here to join now if you haven't already.
And if it's not too much to ask, it would make me even happier if you show some support to me in this contest I have joined. To vote, just please "Like" the page of Freestyle Necklaces here, then "Like" my entry here. I will appreciate it very much. Thank you! ♥
I hope you all have a meaningful and blessed Holy Week.

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