And so we bounce back from yesterday's post into a fun tag for today =)
My blog-pal turned real-life online friend Nikolett tagged me to answer 8 easy questions on a piece of paper so I can show you all what my scrawny handwriting looks like. Yes I do collect journals and I do take pride in writing in them, but I've always been comforted by the thought no one else can see them - at least not while I'm alive. So yeah, I apologize for my penmanship.
The questions are:
1. What's your name/ Blogger name?
2. What's your blog's name/ URL?
3. Write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
4. Favorite quote?
5. Favorite song?
6. Favorite bands/ singers?
7. Anything else you want to say?
8. Tag 3 - 5 people.
I thought it'd be great to write my answers on the memo mousepad I won from her giveaway last year, too! =) Now I'm tagging you Rick, Mai, Sydney, and Joan because I want to see your handwriting! =)
It's only the third month of the year yet I must have changed my blog's template/ layout/ banner/ color themes for probably more than ten times. I don't know, but I'm very fickle-minded when it comes to these things. One day I'll change it to something I've decided I really like, and then I will wake up the next day with the burning desire to change it to another. Anyway, I've decided the last few color schemes were saturated with too much pink so I've decided to mellow it a bit. Also, a guy friend told me that he is a bit shy to go to my blog when he's in Internet cafés because it's, in his words, "too pink". This might just be temporary though, as I don't know what I'll be in the mood for tomorrow XD
And oh yeah, my current blog banner has a photo of Britney Spears' Curious perfume bottle =)
And oh yeah, my current blog banner has a photo of Britney Spears' Curious perfume bottle =)
In this month's A Piece of Me I said I'm planning to have more plans. The planner-gods have heard my prayers! I'll go to surprise birthday dinner for a friend tonight, then Mae and I will hit Cubao X this Sunday, aaand, my high school friends and I will go to the beach on the third weekend of March! Yayyy! I'm really looking forward to feeling the sand between my toes again ♥ My Aunt Jean and Uncle Rico will also go home from Qatar at the end of the month so I am expecting lots of out-of-town trips come April.
And of course! A shout-out to my friends who will celebrate their birthdays this month! I'm looking at you Nashe (whose birthday is tomorrow!), Rick (11th), Tiara (16th), and Nino (28th)! Special shout-out goes to one of my best friends from elementary and high school Carmela and friend from college Erica who celebrate their birthdays today. Yay for lots of birthday cakes! ♥
It's Ash Wednesday today, everyone. What are YOU giving up? As for me, no shopping for new shoes this Lenten season =)

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