Other people express themselves through songs, others through dance, while others create art. As for me, I write. I have always been amazed by the power of the written word and couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful they are. I am thankful that blogging has been invented as it has paved the way for me to reach other people with things I have written even though I am not [yet] a published author.
"There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes." - William Makepeace Thackeray
For times I cannot have ready access to my blog or for things too personal (or mundane) to share with the rest of the world wide web, there are my journals. Putting pen to paper has always calmed me. Whenever my mind gets too noisy with my thoughts, I write them down and begin to view things in a more objective way. Letting things flow in a stream of consciousness is definitely a therapeutic activity for me.
I have collected journals ever since I was young. Be they in the form of a notebook, an organizer/ planner, or a diary, I make sure I always have one in my bag. They serve as a keeper of the soft whispers of my heart, an instant witness for quick bursts of inspiration, and a repository of quotes culled from books or movies. Some of them, I have had since high school like this one and I wouldn't dream of throwing them away. They are so precious to me and trips to bookstores will always have me walking over to the notebooks section.
Some of the journals/ notebooks/ notepads I have bought or have been given
I did not include my planners anymore :D
Personalized notebooks I got from Post Script Designs a couple of months ago
The ones with cupcakes, I sent to Manju :)
Last week, I received a surprise all the way from Canada. Kym, a very dear friend, sent me something so unique - a Panda Poo Journal! Yup, that's a journal made from poop of pandas!
Here it is with the very sweet message
Click to enlarge ;)
In case you're wondering, nope, this doesn't smell weird at all ;p
I almost didn't receive it. It reached me after almost three months, but all's well that ends well. Thank you so much Kym, I am loved from across the seas indeed. Can't wait to finally meet you when you visit the Philippines next year! :)
PS: Kym launched the official website of herrohachi yesterday! Click here for funny and fashionable shirts, buttons, tank tops, hoodies, and pillows. You can also get the chance to be one of five winners of a herrohachi tee! You might also see my face in there teehee ;)

Panda poop? How? And WHY?! :D