Eight days before Christmas! Wow, can you believe that? The days are a-zooming and I am not yet completely done with my Christmas shopping! Every year around this time I complain and swear I will start doing my Christmas shopping early next year so I won't be beaten by the holiday rush, but I guess I never learn :D My social calendar is full with plans to see friends and relatives and I looove it :)
It's a time when people's pockets are looser; perfect time for giving and sharing as the spirit of the season leaves us feeling warm and fuzzy all over. I am a pink and fabulous girl who loves receiving gifts as much as I love giving them, and this blog post is dedicated to just that, a list of stuff I would love to get not just this Christmas but for the coming year. So yeah, it's my Wish List: 2010 Edition. If friends and family won't give them to me I am sure I will still get them, thanks to my willpower when wanting anything. As Paulo Coelho very wisely said on my favorite book of his The Alchemist, "When you really want something, the universe conspires in helping you achieve it." So hey universe, I know I am just a little speck as compared to your vastness, grandeur and ineffability, but I would greatly appreciate it if you conspire with your, umm, conspirators in getting me these this coming year (I love that the universe sounds so badass when you think of him/ her conspiring with others :D):
- LASIK. Or the next best thing - contact lens.
I have worn eyeglasses since I was in second grade (eight years old). Can you believe that? I am my high school batch's geekest. There is only another one from my Elementary class who wore eyeglasses that time, and he's not wearing them now anymore x_x
wearing glasses
without glasses
I would like to play with eyeshadow and other whatnots, even try those fancy contact lens just for fun but I cannot see without my trusted pink eyeglasses. I wanted to try graded contact lens for the longest time, but they're so expensive (because of the added cost due to my astigmatism. Thank you, genes.) and I'm afraid I'd just lose them. Besides, I am squeamish about putting strange foreign objects on my eyes. Eek. But this coming year, I am going to conquer my fear. Please pray that I might have the courage. :D
- A point-and-shoot digital camera. Plus points if it's in pink. (Wish granted on February 4, 2010)
Casio Exilim Z150 (front)
Casio Exilim Z150 (back)
Our Casio Exilim I-forgot-what-the-exact-model-is conked out on us this year, and I was forced to blog using photos taken by my phone Alister's 2mp lens. Alister takes decent photos but I want clearer ones. I can't wait to lug around a pink camera. Or a white one, so she can go well with my white netbook Lady Fabrize.
- A new phone. Plus points if it's in pink.
Ah, the pink phone conspiracy. I have had two pink phones before and you really cannot deny their cuteness factor. Or come to think of it. a white phone will also do, so she can also go well with Lady Fabrize. Yes, I am a lady who likes matchy-matchy stuff.
This Samsung Star looks gooood
I love Alister (who houses my Globe SIM) and my other-phone-who-doesn't-have-a-name (who houses my Sun SIM) but I have had him for a year now. Plus, him not being wifi-enabled makes him look ancient. Sorry Alister. But I will still keep you and won't ditch you even when I get a new one. Because I love you like that and you have served me well. :)
- A digital perm.
Yes, the dilemma I posted here has been solved. I have decided I really want a digiperm.
I want loose curls
Now if only I have the cash already I will have this treatment right now, but with the status of my finances right now, I guess I would have to wait for a bit more. x_x I wish I can have it before HSBC's Holiday Party! x_x
- An external hard drive
Because you can almost hear my personal computer's internal hard drive weep with the weight he carries. I'd like to get an external hard drive so I can back up my files, plus have room for other stuff I'd like to download thanks to the wonderful world wide web. Plus points if it looks girly. :)
- A credit card
I know it would signal the end of a debt-free life as I know it. But I would very much like to have a credit card just so I can have a Paypal account and finally order stuff from etsy sites I want to buy stuff from! x_x I know I don't really need them... But you can't justify wants so I won't even try. :)
- Nail art pens and Konad stamps
I may not know how to draw to save my life and I can't even doodle, but I know talent when I see it. And this, you can't deny there is some potential in here folks.
Strawberry nails!
Watermelon nails! (Sorry the "seeds" of the niddle finger are bigger than those of the rest.)
I made these manually (using just the brush included with the nail polish). I also designed some hearts before on my nails, and flowers on my friend/ officemate Sasha's, too bad I don't have photos of them. Just think how many other designs I can make with nail art pens. :D
- A chain-link bag
A Chanel sounds great, but unattainable at the moment.
via Google Image Search
There's just something sexy and ultra-feminine about it. I like!
- DVDs of my favorite movies
I love collectiing original DVDs of my favorite movies and I already have quite an impressive collection. But why, oh why, does my top favorite have to be so elusive?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Have you seen this? If not, I would highly recommend it. Sigh. Beautiful, beautiful film. Just. Beautiful. I have searched high and low for a copy of it but video stores here are already out of copies. I have the original VCD and my bestfriend Jerome has already downloaded a copy of it for me but I still want the original DVD, with the features, commentary and all. So far the only store I saw this in stock is Amazon.com. And that, my friends, is the reason why I NEED a credit card.
500 Days of Summer
I am absolutely in love with this movie. I have seen it seven times already but I never fail to cry at my favorite scenes. Read my review here! The DVD comes out on December 22. This is attainable! :D
So, that's all for now. Wow, that's a pretty short list as compared to some wish lists I have done in the past. I guess I will update this post from time to time, and will update you on the status of my "attaining" these as the universe conspires with his/ her conspirators. Will post a link on the top link bar. :)
So, *coughcoughwinkwinkhinthintnudgenudge* Happy 8 Days Before Christmas, everyone! ♥♥

HI Krissy! You look pretty with or without glasses but of course you can't show off your fabulous eye make-up if you have glasses right? Yay for digital perm, go get it. And pink camera and pink phone, you are indeed a girly girl.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing those random things about you.
Having astigmatism really sucks as I can't get cheap contacts. Next year I'll really get prescription contact lenses. I'll go to Quiapo so I can get it cheaper! :)
ReplyDeletekrissy =)
ReplyDeletei saw a chain link bag from secosana sa sm.
velvet. black. quilted. silver chain.
chanel inspired.
a bit over 1k...
maybe you want to check that. its super sexy.
advance merry christmas
Love your blog!
Nice wishlist! I looove pink gadgets. I hope you do get to try contacts...I kinda want to try them (even though I don't wear glasses) but my eyes get irritated so easily. And the perm really does suit you :)
ReplyDeleteRegarding paypal, you can use a debitcard for it, aside from a credit card. I think a debitcard would be better , just don't link it to your savings account! You know, I used to work at HSBC (alabang).
you look super sassy with the curls, Krissy.. u should go for it! :)
ReplyDeleteand i totally agree about the chain link bag.. there's just something mesmerizing about it.. but i dont think i can bring myself to spend 100k for a Chanel bag.. ill just probably settle for the korean chain link bags i saw on multiply.. hehe..
That's a great list--and Leah is right, you're pretty with or without glasses. But I understand wanting to see without glasses. My wife has worn glasses since just before elementary school because of her astigmatism.
ReplyDeleteawesome wish list!
ReplyDeletehehe i'm a geek too. geek-ier than you in a sense that i actually love wearing glasses. it makes me look *cough* smart ahahha.
well, but i wear contact lenses most of the time. simply because it rains all the time in dublin and i have not found glasses with wipers. ya know the automatic one like the one on cars. ahahha. i used to be scared of putting something in my eyes too, but once you've tried it, you'll know it's not THAT bad :) i've astig as well, but the trick that my optician thought me is that, you just buy contact lens with higher power - like if you wear glasses with 3.75, then buy 4.00 (something like that) it works. unless your astig is really bad....
@ Leah: Why thank you :)
ReplyDelete@ Nina: Really how cheap is cheaper? :)
@ Jing: Wow, thanks for the tip! I will check that out! :D
@ Nina: Thank you :)
@ Ida: Thank you :) Yeah, you're right about separating the debit card from the savings account :D
@ Kay: Thank you :) Yes, a Chanel would be really divine, shame about the unattainable price x_x
@ RicAdeMus: Thank you :) I just think it would be nice to see clearly one day without relying on something that is too easily noticed x_x
@ the girl in stiletto: Thank you :) Wow, eyeglasses with wipers, now that's something I have never thought of before! :D And thanks for the tip! I will check with my doctor once I get these glasses replaced :)
hi krissy, i use my visa electron card with my paypal account. i also recently used it to pay for concert tickets (via ticketworld) :) i was able to book a hotel in paris using that card, too. glitch, tho, cebu pacific isn't accepting it yet as legit visa. anyway, that's just my 2-cents. i'm afraid you'll get so hooked to shopping once you got a card :p
ReplyDeleteHi Krissy!
ReplyDeleteI think the glasses suit you very well:) I wear glasses too! (at least when I'm working at the computer). When I'm meeting clients I switch to soft contacts. I wear FOCUS. I also have astigmatism and they are really comfortable.
here's hoping Santa will bring you your favourite things on your list ;-)
Krissy, got your card. Thanks a lot. I feel the same way about you. Glad we met my dear.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend!
love the camera selection! and pink... i'm guessing that's your favorite color?
ReplyDeleteI love chanel bags, especially these kinds. They're investments!:)
ReplyDeleteIF you're ever able to get a chanel, you should! I know it's expensive, but you'll love it, and it's something you can wear always and all the time, no matter what is hot or not at the moment.
ReplyDeleteYou look pretty with or without glasses, but as a geek, I'd say lose the glasses, I feel you!
so I guess you like pink huh?
@ Ms Arlene: Thanks for the tip! I will try that :)
ReplyDelete@ Duni: Thank you :) I would really love to try contacts so I won't look too dorky in parties and other dressy events :D
@ Leah: You're welcome! I'm glad you got the card already :)
@ Abby: It is! Me loves pink :D
@ Andhari: Sigh, a Chanel would be a really lovely present! :D
@ Toothfairy: Thank you! It is def at the top of my life's wish list :D And yes, I love pink LOL!