It's almost October, guys! And I don't want to be one of those annoying people who blast Christmas songs from the speakers as early as September... But I just can't help it! I would like to share what's on my Christmas wishlist as early as now so that the wonderful Universe can hear me and hopefully, fingers crossed, I get my wish ♥
My friends, please allow me to be materialistic for a bit here. This Christmas I do not wish for new clothes. Or bags. Or even shoes. This Christmas, the thing that would make me happy the most, is this:
My friends, please allow me to be materialistic for a bit here. This Christmas I do not wish for new clothes. Or bags. Or even shoes. This Christmas, the thing that would make me happy the most, is this:

I have always wanted a Kindle, but when I got a Galaxy Ace I decided to make do with the Kindle for Android app (which you can download for free!) which quickly became my favorite app. I've already sold my Galaxy Ace but I also downloaded it on my Smart Netphone. Do you know I re-read the my favorite Paulo Coelho book The Alchemist and the entire Harry Potter series using the Kindle app? Not only that, I was also able to read Neil Gaiman's American Gods and Neverwhere with this. I also have the complete Lemony Snicket and Discworld series but I haven't started reading them yet. These days I have lots of idle moments in the apartment but I don't get bored as I also have LOTS of chick lit at my disposal. I cannot stress how much I love the Kindle app and how easy and convenient it has made reading for book-lovers like me!
Oh yes, I know a gadget cannot compare to how an old and loved book smells and feels, but for me who is on the go all the time, with lots of stuff-to-lug-around to boot, a Kindle is definitely godsend. Thank you, Amazon, for coming up with this nifty gadget!
I can't wrap my head around all the possibilities... Just think of all the books I can read! And because it now comes in full-color, I can even use it for comic books! And magazines! Gosh I need to breathe I think I'm about to hyperventilate!
With the Kindle Fire, Amazon has even made it possible to watch movies and play games!!! I want to cry. I want my own Kindle Fire!
I just don't understand all the fuss people are making, comparing it with the iPad. I mean, personally, I couldn't care less who manufactured a product, so long as I can use it and I get my money's worth. And I think that with the Kindle Fire, I will absolutely get my money's worth.
Dear Santa please Santa, I want a Kindle Fire for Christmas. You can skip giving me any presents for the next three years. Or maybe not. I just want to have my own Kindle Fire before the year ends. Or at least before my birthday next year :)
I really should start a Kindle Fire fund. Anyone there who would like to give me extra jobs? Will work for gadgets and books. Oh heck yeah.
PS: This is not a sponsored post. I really wish it was though.
PPS: Dear Amazon, is there any chance you can give me a sample so I can test it out? For purely unbiased review purposes, you know ;)
PPPS: I wish my relatives are reading this hahaha. I am now officially accepting contributions to the Krissy's Kindle Fund. Kidding.
PPPPS: Not really.
PPPPPS: But seriously, Christmas is less than three months away. Get on it.
PPPPPPS: "When you want something, the Universe conspires in helping you achieve it." - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. This line has always been proven true to me. I hope you can hear me now, Universe :)

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