The #StrangeLit bundles are out!

30 September 2015

Earlier today, while I was busy drowning from work, my notifications and feeds exploded because of two things: the StrangeLit launch has been set (partly assisted by yours truly, heh) and will happen very soon (I hope you can come!), AND the StrangeLit bundles have been released in Buqo!


The newest additions to my Buqo library
In case you missed it, back in August I joined StrangeLit, a Paranormal/ Paranormal Romance /Urban Fantasy online writing class sponsored by Buqo (who also sponsored our YA class) and spearheaded by Mina Esguerra through Bronze Age Media. At the end of the class, stories with at least 5,000 words would be grouped into bundles and distributed by Buqo. We had mentors Kate Evangelista, Marian Tee, Budjette Tan, and Paolo Chikiamco who shared their knowledge and expertise with us, and the environment was very encouraging and interactive thanks to social media. Track our tweets via the #StrangeLit hashtag!

Are you in Buqo now? Great! Our books should be in the New Releases section, but if you have troubles locating it, you may also search StrangeLit and our bundles will be displayed!
I conquered this challenge, and now they're here!

This is my second book but I am just as thrilled, if not more, because I was able to prove Once Upon a Sticky Note is not a fluke and I can do it again.

For your reference, here are the rest of the bundles:

There will also be a blog tour; I will be posting details about it once I get it, and I hope you guys can join.

I will write a more comprehensive post about Incredible Truths and my story A Sky of Wishes next time, but for tonight I would like to leave you with a book trailer from the incredible Anne Plaza.

Beware the tale that distracts you with the telling -- it's planting a truth in your mind, and you may find yourself believing in the incredible too. Sit back and let it happen while reading.

I will also be sharing more details about the launch party soon, but for now I can announce that it will be held in Recession Coffee by Digital Walker at the 3rd level of Eastwood Mall. I am so excited I just might spontaneously explode!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a LOT of new books to read.


  1. StrangeLit is an enchanting literary adventure that transports readers to realms where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. With its captivating blend of the peculiar and the profound, StrangeLit sparks the imagination and leaves an indelible mark on the literary landscape. Each tale is a testament to the boundless creativity of its authors, weaving narratives that defy convention and invite readers to embrace the wonderfully weird. In the world of StrangeLit, the fantastical becomes familiar, and the familiar takes on new, magical dimensions. It's a literary journey that celebrates the power of storytelling to transcend the ordinary and illuminate the extraordinary.

  2. Hey, fellow creatives! I stumbled upon a game-changer for visual content enhancement, and I couldn't wait to share it with you. If you're into creating captivating visuals, check out this incredible upscaling tool at Depositphotos. I noticed in the comments that many of you are passionate about the visual aspect of your content, and this tool has been a game-changer for me. It effortlessly enhances image quality, making your visuals stand out. Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Comments brighten up my day! Thank you for leaving kind words!