A little gift-game

03 January 2011

Over Christmas Sydney asked me to participate in a little blog-game because, in her words, she thinks I will like it. As what Barney Stinson would have said, Challenge accepted! Thank you for inviting me to join Sydney! And yes, I really did like it ;) 

The rules are simple. The game just asks for the participants to post about the favorite presents they got for Christmas, kinda like a Show-and-Tell. Very easy, right? I know this should have been posted a week ago but you know the past few days have been cuh-razy for me and today is the first day I got to breathe a little and rest at home.

Enough talking, more posting ^^, Here goes!

Christmas cards from Australia, Canada, and Ireland
Thank you Gracie, Kym, and Ejann
Big Patrick Star plushie from my very good friend/ officemate Mich
She was my Secret Santa in our team's exchange gift
He's super soft! Totally adorbs :)
A set of Bench Body pink undies in a pretty tin box
This also came from Mich as an "extra" gift
I love the color of the undies, and I love how I can use the tin box for my other thingamajigs
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD
If you're new to my blog, I bought this as a Christmas present to myself as it is my ultimate favorite movie of all time
I got it in eBay because it is no longer being sold here in the Philippines
Trinkets galore!
Barbie phone charm from Frank, bronze owl ring from Ana, and yellow "donut" necklace and rosary bracelet from Ava
Thanks  guys ♥
I got it from the exchange gift we had on our Old School-themed Christmas Party
Incidentally, this gift also came from Mich LOL
I already put it up in door by the terrace here in  my parents' house, and I am loving its rustic vibe and charm
Very pretty pink gift wrapped like a candy :)
The pretty candy gift contains yellow sleepwear with cute cats  printed all over
It came from my Aunt Annie :)
Hot pink bag from my very good friend Ed
He bought it in Bangkok when he was there early last month.
He said that seeing it totally reminded him of me, and there shouldn't be any other rightful owner :)
Journal from my good friend/ classmate from college Karlo
The note says "a pocket-sized repository of those pinkishly girly sparks of creativity"
All together now, awwwwww :)
Despicable Me DVD from Dane
One of my top films for 2010
Gru's Minions are just soooo cute!
The DVD also came with a free Minion keychain
Soooo cute! I want my own Minion LOL
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the thought that came behind every gift. I can easily buy these stuff, but them being given to me by someone else makes them even more special, It's not really how much it costs, but knowing that you thought of me when you were writing your "To give" lists last Christmas gives a warm, fuzzy feeling in my pink, glittering heart. That's why it made me feel a little sad when someone neglected to give me something at first. I am not being shallow and I am not after the material thing itself, but being "forgotten" by someone after spending a good part of the last year with them made me feel, well, forgotten. I don't know if I'm making any sense but I hope I am, and I don't know if you understand but I hope you do.
The spirit in which a thing is given determines that in which the debt is acknowledged. It's the intention, not the face-value of the gift, that's weighed. - Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)
 What about you, what are your favourites among the presents you received? Care to share? :)

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