I have been feeling extra weepy today (blame the hormones and all those extra servings of gelato and chocolates the past week). It also took all of my willpower not to shed tears while reading Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games while commuting. Instead of trying to fight this PMS-induced sadness, I just let it wash over me and further indulged it by watching videos of winners' acceptance speeches at the Academy Awards. My particular favorites are Sandra Bullock's (for The Blind Side) and Kate Winslet's (for The Reader). And yeah, I sobbed when Heath Ledger's parents and sister accepted his posthumous Oscar (Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight which IMO should have at least been nominated for Best Film).
Last night, my very good friend and officemate Mommy Terry's (you may remember her from this post) family invited me to a Singles' devotional. I don't know what happened as I am generally lazy when it comes to things like this (especially as it was my rest day), but when she asked me I wasn't able to find the heart to say no. And I did not regret it one bit. It was great; I met a lot of people and I am excited to be able to given this chance to have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God.
To be honest, I feel lost these days. I am happy, yes, but it is fleeting. I cannot help but think there is something greater out there for me, if only I am brave enough to reach out for it. My family and friends keep me going, and I am thankful for their unwavering support. I am particularly grateful for my good friends/ officemates Mich, Marsha, Frank and Mommy Terry and her family. And of course, my closest blogfriends (you know who you are) for not getting tired of the stuff I write. Please do tell me if I am getting annoying already (I saw someone reach my blog by typing in "i am krissy annoying blog" on Google search and I must admit it disheartened me a bit. But yeah I guess I am still thankful that whoever it is spends precious time locating my blog XD) I am also happy that I will finally get to meet Meream and Mai this coming Friday. I have also made plans to see Ana next week and Jessica on the last week of September. And, my college friends and I will go to Enchanted Kingdom on August 30! So exciting!
I feel like I'm on a bridge right now, and for me there is nothing to do but go forward. It may be a winding bridge where I cannot see what's directly ahead of me and there may be will be obstacles along the way, but I know I just have to keep the faith, carry on and go where I need to go.
The great moments of your life won't necessarily be the things you do. They'll also be the things that happen to you. Now, I'm not saying you can't take action to affect the outcome of your life. You have to take action. And you will! But never forget, that on any day, you could step out the front door, and your whole life could change forever. You see the Universe has a plan kids; and that plan is always in motion. A butterfly flaps its wings, and it starts to rain. It's a scary thought, but it's also kind of wonderful. All these little parts of the machine constantly working... Making sure that you end up exactly where you're supposed to be.. exactly when you're supposed to be there. The right place. At the right time. - from the infinite wisdom of How I Met Your Mother
I might have missed opportunities in the past, but there's no sense beating myself up for it right now. It's the biggest cliché in the book, but I still believe there is a reason for everything. I have made mistakes, yes, and I think I will do more. But somehow, I think I will be alright.
The photo above is a photo I took of Patapat Bridge from our Ilocos trip last March, one of my favorite memories. Post-processing was also done by myself. I think it will pass for a postage stamp, don't you think so? :)
PS: Will you help me support a good friend? I promise it won't take long! On Facebook, please LIKE 24/7 Taxi Service here, then LIKE my friend Frank's photo entry here. Thank you so much and all clicks are immensely appreciated! Much love to all of you! :)

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