Currently Vol. 52

28 December 2015

Ohai, this is my last Currently for the year, and I can't believe I was able to reach the proverbial finish line without skipping! I mainly created this blog so that I can have a virtual diary to record my thoughts and memories in, and now that I started this weekly habit I am assured I have something to look back on. It's nice, is what it is. I think I'll keep it up until next year.

How was your Christmas? I hope you had a wonderful day with your loved ones. I did, and the festivities continued until the weekend, when I had a Merry Xmas Staycation with my friends.

My friend JV booked a suite in Astoria for our potluck party, and it was so great to see old friends and meet new ones over overflowing food and drinks!

Reluctant to go home immediately after, some of us had a lunch-date in Wingstop Promenade. A little date with Miah was the perfect way to cap off my Christmas weekend. (^_^)

Here is this week's [and the last of the year's] Currently!


Still The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. I'm putting immense pressure on myself to finish it before the year ends!

My New Year's Resolutions. What are yours?

Silence. It's almost midnight and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Birthday plans as early as now. Adulting is hard, you guys.

Excited for my new planner! I need to get more stickers.

You're the Worst. It's my new favorite thing on TV right now! I want to make a more comprehensive post but right now I would just like to say YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS. NOW.

Midnight snack. I'm hungry.

Midnight snack. See above.

A calm and steady rest-of-the-year-2015. I still can't believe 2016 is coming in a few days. Whoah.

Are you ready for 2016? Because I sure as hell am not.

Oh well.

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