Okay? Okay.

30 January 2014

I wasn't having the best of days yesterday; it felt too long and all I felt was relief when I was finally safely tucked in my bed. There were several mishaps but the sucky cherry on top was when another bus crashed into the bus I was riding on my way home.

The impact was so great that the glass windows on the left side of my bus were completely shattered, sending broken glass pieces all over. I was seated on the right side so I wasn't hurt at all, but I was already feeling exhausted so my knee-jerk reaction was of complete annoyance. It wasn't until when I was already in a cab to continue my journey home did I realize that a little more force in that impact could have toppled my bus over... And because it was packed with people standing even on the aisles, I could have been crushed. With just a wee bit miscalculation, I couldn't have made it out of there unscathed. I immediately said my prayers and thanked God for that lucky escape.

Even with yesterday's fails, there were still a lot of smiles, like this lovely package sent by The Body Shop, the launch of Pixi Beauty in Manila, watching the 200th episode of How I Met Your Mother with lots of inside jokes and Easter eggs thrown in for the super fans (oh gosh I love this show so much), and seeing the trailer of The Fault in Our Stars.

"You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world... but you do have some say in who hurts you." Read my review of the book here.

So, yeah, I wasn't having the best of days yesterday but it could have been worse. So much worse.

Okay? Okay.


  1. Must start reading this book already. It's on my reader but I haven't found time for it yet. In fairness, they have chemistry. Hard to believe they play siblings in Divergent. Hehe!

  2. You really must!!

    And speaking of Divergent, I MUST read that soon, too. Before the movie starts showing. :p


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