Flip through: Belle de Jour 2020 Power Planner

03 November 2019

A blink and a sigh, and we have barely two months before a completely new decade descends upon us. If you're in the market for your 2020 planner, may I suggest that you check out Crazy About Paper for Viviamo's lineup of planners for every planner personality? In this post I'll give a flip through of the Belle de Jour 2020 Power Planner. This year's theme is "The Universe is in Me".

I chose the Leather edition and had it customized for an additional fee of Php 50.00. I prefer this year's softbound Leather version because it's more lightweight as compared to last year's.

It's a hard pill to swallow, but I feel like I am wasting most of my days mindlessly going through the motions, looking forward to the next thing to look forward to. I need to live more purposefully and with intention. As the great Stacie Orrico once sang, "There's gotta be more to life [than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me]." And I know I can't expect to find these in a planner, but I hope going deep into my own thoughts, reflecting, and writing them down may help me manifest my wishes and dreams to the Universe, that She may help me achieve them. It's a great coincidence I guess that this year's theme of BDJ Power Planner aligns with my heart's whisper.

On to the flip through?

As always, owner's contact info on the first inside cover page.

I love this manifesto, and it reminded me of a book I got a couple of years ago, Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe by Yumi Sakugawa. I think I need to delve into that book again.

There is value in putting pen to paper, so I am excited to fill out this space for my 2020 Goals. It's also interesting to see what the Krissyfied Solar System will look like after I have tracked my day-to-day moods using different colored pencils.

My Dream Board for my Belle de Jour 2019 Power Planner was filled with nice photos, affirmations, and stickers symbolizing things I wanted to achieve this year and I was able to succeed in getting most of them. I have less than two months to attain the rest, but I am not being too hard on myself in that I won't lose sleep in case I don't get them. ;)

More space for more reflections. I think I'm going to fill these up with my favorite quotes I recently added to my Notes.

I think I'll actually take a stab at filling out my Ikigai for this year.

Every other page in this planner is pretty straightforward, but this section actually left me feeling confused. What am I supposed to do with a law of attraction schedule, and must this schedule be so rigid?

I like jotting down things I am grateful for every day, but I guess I will reserve the Big Things for this section.

More blank space to write on.

I used to write letters to my future self every New Year's Eve and schedule it to be sent out on the following year's New Year's Eve. The company hosting these letters has already folded, but here's a little blast from the past from my email inbox. This letter was written on December 31, 2013, and I received it on December 31, 2014.
I hope you are safe, loved, healthy, and secure.
I hope that throughout the year, you have: learned how to stick to your guns, let go of bad relationships, learned new things, and get to know this evolving version of yourself much better.
I hope by now you've heard news of Fun. visiting the country for a concert.
Cheers to more experiences!
Be calm.
I love you.
I wish I could remember what I wrote for myself for the following year, but oh well. It didn't happen until later, but I am happy to report to you, past self, that I have indeed let go of bad relationships, and am currently in a relationship where I am loved, secure, and cared for. The Fun. concert didn't happen, but Nate Ruess more than made up for it when he visited Manila for his Grand Romantic tour.

Letters to future selves are fun. I think I will convince J to make a time capsule with me. Aside from a photo from the year we make the time capsule and letters to our future selves, I wonder what else we can put in it. A McDo French Fry?

Manual menstrual trackers are not really helpful to me because I use the Clue app for this already, so I'm not sure if I should just cover it with printed paper for more writing space or just leave it as it is.

Monthly View. I understand the colors are more muted to give a watercolor wash effect (that I loved as I love watercolors!) but I hope they're not that muted because I still want to see color. I veered away from BDJ Power Planners a few years back because I didn't like how saccharine and ~cluttered the pages have become so last year's was definitely an improvement. I wish the washes on this year's pages could have been at least a tad darker.

Nevertheless, as you can see below, the monthly dividers are perfection.


If you used a BDJ Planner this year, this Zappar logo may be familiar to you. It offers more value to the BDJ Power Planners as you just have to use the Zappar app to scan this and the page becomes more interactive! I tried to run the app but was advised it's not available yet, so I will try again come 2020.

Weekly View. It's a little better than the Monthly View, but the watercolor wash could've been a little darker just to provide more contrast.

OF COURSE I had to what the April monthly cover looks like because it's my birth month, and it's a curly girl with books! Just put glasses on her and IT ME!

Aside from the two gold-colored ribbons to mark pages, the BDJ 2020 Power Planner also comes with a magnetic bookmark that's also in theme.

More blank pages for Notes.

Bills Tracker that I need to remember to fill out.

And Cash Flow Tracker that I also need to remember to fill out. J uses a Google Sheet and it has been pretty effective for him in helping him manage and remember where his money goes. I tried to do the same along with several other apps but I always forget to note my expenses down. I should include it in my To Do List every day!

What makes BDJ Power Planners more special are the Perks of a Bella Lifestyle Card and coupons! I always enjoy whipping out my Card to get discounts from partner stores, and I'm excited to do the same next year! For a complete list of this year's accompanying coupons, check out Helen's blog post!

The Belle de Jour 2020 Power Planner also comes in Classic, Limited, and Discbound Editions. Check them out together with Viviamo's other planners in Crazy About Paper and choose how you'll write your 2020. They also make excellent gifts to friends and loved ones. ;)

My Belle de Jour 2020 Power Planner in Leather will be my main planner for 2020, while the 2020 Essentials Planner will serve as my journal. New blank slate, new decade, new possibilities!

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