5 tips for getting healthier in the kitchen

22 March 2023

So you want to try and get a little healthier in the kitchen? We’ve all been there. When J and I get too busy with work, we end up ordering food and the expenses pile up. Aside from that, it's really not healthy in the long run. But at the same time, the idea of getting healthy can seem really daunting. Either you’ll be hungry, it’ll be hard work, and be tasteless — but that really doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, you’ll find that you can welcome healthy eating with ease when you take the right approach in the kitchen. Here are some tips you need to get healthier with your cooking.

Incorporate More Water

Staying properly hydrated is essential for good health, so where you can, try to add more water to your cooking. Things like cucumber (except I hate cucumber LOL), watermelon, and lettuce are great for this. It’s also important to make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. I have a tumbler even though I work from home, to make sure I always have drinking water on hand. If you’re not a fan, you can also try adding fresh fruit to your water to give it an extra boost of flavor and nutrition.

Low carb cream cheese muffins with fresh strawberries

Opt for Whole Grains

A simple way to get a little healthier is to swap out white bread and pasta for whole grains. Doing so will add more fiber and nutrients to whatever meal you’re making. Sometimes, you’ll worry that this will change the recipe, meal, or taste — but it won’t. Most of the time you’ll find that they taste just as delicious as regular bread and pasta.

Low carb banana peanut butter mug cakes I made using my air fryer

Focus on Fresh Produce

Eating more fruits and vegetables is one of the best ways to improve your diet and get healthier in the kitchen. So why not bulk out your meals with more fruit and veg? You could even focus on veg-heavy dishes and try making this cabbage soup. Also, think about buying local produce from farmer's markets or grocery stores whenever possible to support small businesses in your area.

The broccoli and young corn from this beef with broccoli dish I cooked came from our Baguio trip

Use Healthy Oils

Olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil are all excellent choices when cooking meals that require oil. They all contain heart-healthy fats that can help reduce cholesterol levels and improve overall health. Where you can, try to avoid using vegetable oils like corn or soybean oil since they can be high in unhealthy trans fats.

Experiment With Herbs and Spices

And finally, herbs and spices are a great way to make your food taste better. Instead of extra calories or fat, you’ll get a much-welcomed burst of flavor. Don’t be afraid to explore some new spice combinations. You might even discover some new favorites along the way.

Mealtime Doesn’t Have to be Unhealthy!

So there you have it. Now you can see that making healthier meals doesn't have to be hard. All it takes is to focus on making small changes over time that will help improve your diet while still keeping things tasty. Choosing to hydrate more, opting for whole grain, bulking up dinners with fresh produce, switching to healthy oils, and using more herbs and spices can work wonders. It’s all about working to achieve a healthier lifestyle without sacrificing taste.

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